Award Winning Writer of

Award Winning Writer of
Slippery When Wet!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Build Your Social Media Platform & They Will Come!

Building a social media platform is about posting content that you think is interesting and that others will find interesting. Good art provokes a reaction. Post something provocative. This will serve you in four important ways that will garner you attention on Social Media: • It will provoke a discussion about your posts among others and garner you attention for your social media attention. Just be sure that the topic you post will attract the type of followers you want. Good art provokes. Good writing provokes. Good social media provokes-get the reaction!
• Your provocative posts will help you garner extra interactions with your followers and lead to discussions so be sure you are familiar with the topics you select to post. You want to write about what you know.
• If people are discussing your post, it will lead to reposting, blogging or retweeting of your material which will increase your exposure to new people and build your influence.
• Post with a photo or photos when possible. They say “a picture speaks a thousand words” and since on a social media forum like twitter you have only 140 characters, you want to make the most of each post.
Ask yourself, what makes you stand out from everyone else. Use this to drive your brand (which is your business or you) and build up your following.
About Jessica de la Davies: Jessica de la Davies is an award winning writer and author of “Slippery When Wet!” a chick lit novel that has received 5 star ratings on She is a twitter lover and a self-proclaimed Pintrest addict at -Her hobby is lint!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great tips Jessica. It's always encouraging for a new author like me to see how successful someone can be.
